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8 September 2005

Ingredienti: 700gr di polpa di zucca, 20gr di Ener-g (pari ad 1 uovo), 100gr di farina, 60gr di grana grattuggiato, mezzo cucchiaino di noce moscata, salvia, sale, pepe, olio quanto basta

Pulire la zucca e togliere i semi. Tritare la polpa nel mixer e farla cuocere a fuoco medio per circa 5 minuti per far evaporare l'acqua in eccesso.

Fare raffreddare ed aggiungere l'Ener-g, il grana ed a poco a poco la farina sempre mescolando.

perche' di farina ne potrebbe occorrere di piu' o di meno, a seconda di quanta acqua contiene la zucca. Regolatevi ricordando che l'impasto deve diventare consistente ma non troppo duro. Insaporire con il sale, la noce moscata e il pepe.
Portare ad ebollizione dell'acqua salata in una pentola. Ungere con un po' d'olio una pirofila da forno. Accendere il forno a 220 C.

Con un cucchiaino raccogliere tanto impasto da formare uno gnocco di circa 4cm. Versarli nell'acqua bollente e farli cuocere 2 minuti da quando vengono a galla. Disponeteli nella pirofila e continuate l'operazione fino ad esaurimento dell'impasto.

Spolverizzate di grana grattuggiato, salvia fresca ed olio. Infornate per 5 minuti fino a quando non si sara' sciolto il formaggio. Servite subito :)

Sognando: sognare spezie indica che avete bisogno di fare cose diverse nella vostra vita. Dovete guardare alle vostre relazioni personali da una diversa prospettiva.

Vino bianco: Malvasia dei Colli Piacentini possibilmente leggermente abboccata Oppure Pinot Gris Alsaziano Anche (per un gusto più secco) Soave (bianco veneto)

English please: Yellow Pumpking Gnocchi

Ingredients: 700gr pumpkin flesh, 20gr Ener-g (equal 1 egg), 100gr white flour, 60gr grated parmesan cheese, 1/2 tsp grated nutmeg, sage, salt, pepper, olive oil as needed

Cut the pumpkin in half and remove the seed and the skin. Mix the flesh in a mixer and cook it for about 5 minutes to let the water in excess evaporate. Let it cool and add the Ener-g (or 1 egg), the grated cheese and the flour bit by bit, stirring continuously.Pay attention
there, as you need as much flour as the water contained in the pumpkin. So remember that the dough has to become firm but not hard. Add or stop adding flour accordingly. Adjust with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
Boil some water in a large saucepan and add a bit of salt. (approx 1 Tbsp). Pre-heat the oven at 200 C (390 F). Take an oven safe tray and grease it with a little bit of oil.
With a spoon, gather a bit of the compost, as much as to make a 4cm ball. Put them into the boiling water and cook for 2 minutes starting counting from when the water is boiling again.Arrange them into your tray and continue boiling gnocchi until the dough is finished.
Add grated cheese on top, fresh sage and olive oil. Cook them in the oven for 5 minutes until the cheese has melt. Serve immediately. You can prepare this dish a day before or the evening before your guests arrive. Add the cheese only when you intend to eat it.


  1. Oh my goodness, that looks absolutely amazing! I just happened upon your blog (I came via Nic's blog) and Im enjoying it very much. I am motivated to convert these measurements into American standard measurements so I can try this recipe- I adore pumpkin, so Im sure it will be delicious.

    Also, thanks for denoting the vegetarian dishes- its so helpful and thoughtful! (Im vegetarian you see...)


  2. Hello Tanvi, thanks for the visit. Yes these gnocchi are very tasty and if you have red pumpkin (which I know America is full of especially in Sept/Oct) then I suggest you use those as they are more tasty. Better small ones than gigantic. Here is a link to a website for conversions , hope this helps :) Conversion Tables

  3. there are many vegetaria/vegan dishes here. i hope you find something to try :) i am still in the process of translating my recipes from my Italian Blog but i am getting there :)

  4. How wonderful! Thank for directing me to the conversion tables website, that will be of great use. I look forward to the other recipes to come. Perhaps I should learn Italian! Ive been meaning to anyhow... :-)

  5. I do really appreciate the recipe, too, but I have a comment... There's no information regarding how many people is that for. Could you please specify wether it's for 4 as usual? Thanks! :o)

  6. Hi there,

    I would like to thank you for this wonderful recipe, but....what is the Ener-g? I never heard about it?


  7. Hi there! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but after looking at some of the articles I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m certainly happy I found it and I’ll be book-marking it and checking back regularly and .


Grazie - Thank you!

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